Wednesday, 28 May 2014

UFO now a WIP

This UFO is now well and truly a WIP after a loooong pause!

All FMQ ditch stitching on all compasses done!

One compas completed. A few little 'deviations' to fix. Wobbles as I hit fabric thicknesses!!


Lots waiting to be attacked. Having fun. Mojo is back! Yay!!!


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Another finish! Yay!!

Finished the mini Dresdens, each 5 1/2". Such fun!



Bird among the cats and cats among the dogs!


At last!!! U F O underway!

We are almost half way through the year, my new year resolution was to FINISH UFO's. Not doing too well! A few done, this one is now 1/2way quilted.



Wish me luck! Sooo hard. In places there are so many thicknesses of fabric. I have broken a few needles. Must continue, MUST finish! Three years in the making! OMG!


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

Dresden Madness

Having such fun with my mini Dresdens. They measure 5 1/2" .




Soooo cute! I am making more!

Very cold past few days, but sewing room is sunny and warm! No better spot at this time.



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