Last year I did complete a number of UFO's. So good to get them done.
I seem to have a heap of QIP's (quilts in progress). Sounds better than UFO's. UFO's I regarded as "old hat, sick of you" projects. QIP's are exciting happening delights!
My QIP's are:
A very large Kaffe quilt. Below is the backing patched.
Colours aren't quite right. Lime, navy greys and some tans.
Some Patchwork of the Crosses (Lucy Boston). Love this portable project. Spend so much time hunting for fabrics. I should photograph my sewing room table, cutting table, ironing board, baskets and floor covered in fabrics! Oh dear.
2015 start and finishes. Tiny scraps discarded by two friends last week. The scraps were rescued from a dreadful fate.......the bin!
10" square
8.5" square!
Angelica liked these.
Let me know what you think!