Friday, 1 July 2016

Quilting at last!

Quilting mojo or sewjo have been awol the past few months. Thanks to friends sewjo is making a gradual comeback! Yay! Sheila set me a challenge! I did start, but abandoned the mess! Oh dear practice is required +++

Chris at Serendipitousquilting is also a great inspiration!

A group of friends (all refugees from the cold southern states) stitch once a week. We are all doing paper piecing projects. Great fun over cups of tea and lots of laughter. A glass or two finishes off the day on a high note.

POTC is progressing as blocks get sorted and added to the wall. Green masking tape to number the block position adds a splash of colour.

Dreadful photo! The light is not good now, but you get the idea!



My floor cushion was great fun. A few new skills learned at a weekend workshop at Nesting Needles in Coffs Harbour. I do love Tula Pink!!


Sunrise this morning. A good place to be!

Please leave your comments, it's great to hear from you!


Saturday, 16 April 2016

Macksville Quilt Show

Easter weekend in Macksville is a busy time. Holiday makers are about, and locals enjoying the slightly cooler weather of Autumn. Macksville traditionally hold the quilt show on this weekend.

The annual challenge is well supported.

Some of the challenge quilts below

Challenge winner!

Visitors choice.




A few of the other quilts shown

My quilts above and below. Such fun!

I'm sorry I didn't take more photos! I demonstrated EPP Lucy Boston's Patchwork of the Crosses that day and was quite distracted!!

On the home front we garden daily, chopping out old shrubs, attempting to remove the banana passion fruit vine that has invaded over a number of years! Awful stuff!

The deck has been completed, it's fabulous and we spend lots of time out there.



Happy days!


Wednesday, 24 February 2016


The veg garden needed attention.......already?? Previous crop of salad greens now in the compost bin! Time for a replant.



Varieties of lettuce.

Seedlings were covered with leafy clippings to provide some shade.

Tomatoes planted earlier are amazing! Strong plants with large crops!

Herbs are doing well too. Really happy with this new interest. Plants seem to grow so easily here!

Angelica did a little work yesterday! First time since we moved! She completed an area on my UFO whole cloth quilt. Thinking I'll proceed with some circular marking next! Letting the ideas simmer and develop.

More colour methinks! Lots more quilting too.

This is the view whilst I play with the POTC. Tried to get more organised today! Bought a tray table at Spotlight (half price). Easy to cart downstairs or outside.

All the bits ready to go!

Thought placing a few may give me some idea of the fit! White square templates in place of the darker squares! (All takes time)

Little Chino looks cool and comfortable under the table as always!

Is my mojo back???

Happy quilting!


Wednesday, 3 February 2016


My last post mentioned the "weed patch"

Things have since moved along. The patch was stripped, compost added with some blood and bone.

Spring onions, and below the carrots!

I planted three varieties of lettuce, tomato plants, lemon grass, sage, chives and sowed rainbow carrots seeds, Vietnamese basil, spring onions. Unsuccessful sowing! Better get back to sewing!!!

I claim no credit for these tomatoes! They came up by themselves next to the front door.


This kookaburra looks like an antelope!

We are enjoying the birds too. We have installed a rather large bird feeder (taller than I am!) and a birdbath. Gradually the birds are using the bath, but few attend the feeder. We were delighted this morning to see king parrots in the garden. So beautiful!

Now to sewing! I went onto Amazon a couple of weeks ago to look for Sister Sampler Quilts by AnneMarie Chany. Well on special "buy all three and get free postage" deal. So I ordered Sister Sampler, All in a Row and The Farmers Wife by Laurie Aaron Hird. Of course I got the receipt for $101.00. Shock horror! Obviously small text somewhere saying "USA only". Tried to cancel the order, too late! Phone option was unavailable!! Talk about spitting chips! Well the books have arrived and I'm very pleased with them and with my error.


Today I tracked down the location the nearest HQ Sweet Sixteen dealership! I'll be getting their newsletter and details of Narelle's S16 lessons! I'm so excited. Port Mcquarrie is only 100kms away!

Love from paradise!!



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